“Sub Query is a concept or mech. Implement on select statement whenever a condition values is unknown to the user.”
In other words Sub-Query means nested query.
Sub-query has two diff parts or blocks
1. Inner query
2. Outer query
Inner query is a query which is responsible to evaluate the condition values and provide the output to outer query is responsible to display the output.
TYPES of sub-query
Depending on the value return from inner to outer query, sub query is broadly categorized in two diff types
i. Single row sub-query
ii. Multi row ,,
Single row sub-query is a type of sub-query where inner query return one value to the outer query for processing.
Eg display those records that sal is greater than ‘smith sal’.
Whereas multi row sub query is a type of sub-query. Where inner query returns more than value to the outer query for processing.
From <t_name>
Where <col_name> operator ( select <col_name> from <t_name> where <cond>);
The syntax of single row sub query and multi row sub query is same but user can identify a sub query through its operatorS.R.S.Q operators are
where as multi row sub query operator are
in, =any, >any, <any, >all, <all,
ex - Single row sub query
select * from emp
where sal>(select sal from emp
where ename=’smith’)
job <> (select job from emp
where ename=’frod’ and ename=’scott’);
EX – multi row sub query
Select * from emp
Where sal>(sselect sal where ename=’allen’)
And job =any(select job where deptno = 30)
And deptno=30;
That inner sub query is a select statement but it does not support order by clause to arrange the value in a proper manner.