Conversion Function in Oracle

These functions are required to convert the date from one type to another.
        ORACLE provides following primary data types either to declare column of a table or to declare a variable in PL-SQL. The data types are
Char, varchar2, number, date

Depending on the above data types ORACLE provides following conversion functions

        This is a conversion function required to convert date to char or number to char

To convert date to char ORACLE provides a series of formatting strings are as follows
DY                à                MON                            MONTH         à                JANUARY
DAY              à                MONDAY                     YY                 à                09
DD                à                22                                YYYY             à                2009
DDTH            à                22ND                           HH                à                5(HOUR)
MM                à                 01                              MI                 à                40(MIN)
MON              à                JAN                            SS              à                15(SEC)
DDTHSPL      à                TWENTY-SECOND

Select to_char(to_date(’22-jan-2008’), ‘day ddth month  yyyy’) from dual;
Ans Tuesday 22nd January 2009
Select to_char(systimestamp, ‘hh:mi:ss’) from dual;
Ans current time

        To convert number to char the formatting strings are
$ à to prefix a dollar symbol
à represent the number in char format, th.
àthousand separator
. à decimal number
L à to prefix local currency symbol

Select ename, to_char(sal, ‘L99,999.99’) from emp;

        This function is required to convert string type of number to actual number

Select to_number(‘1000’) from dual;