Data Manipulated Language in SQL

DML is also known as RML, which is Responsible to manipulated language, the records of table and statements are given below
Insert, update, delete
Syntax for insert
Insert into <t_name> [(col1, col2, col3,….N)
Values (value1, value2, value3……..N);
Above syntax is syntax of data insertion using column list. User has only remembered name of column not the sequence.
Insert NULL value in a column
NULL value can be assigned in a particular column in two different manners.
è  Explicitly using NULL keyword
è  Implicitly using column list
Insert into sysemp6
Values (2,BBB,NULL,’manger’);

Insert into sysemp6(empno,job, name)
Values (3,’manger’, ‘CCC’);
User is not allowed null value a column explicitly or implicitly if column explicitly, if column is protected with not null constraint.
Data insertion using substation variable
Insert into sysemp6

Syntax record using update
Set col_name=<value>[col_name=value, …..];
[where <condition>];

Update  sysemp6
Set  sal=1000, job= ‘manger’
Where empno in (4,5);
When where clues are omitted from update statement then it will update all value of specific column.
Ex – update sysemp6
         Set sal = NULL;

DELETE using delete

Delete from <t_name>
[Where <condition>];
If where clues are omitted from delete statement then all data are deleting from that table.
Some important queries
To copy a table

Create table <new t_name>
As select col1,col2,…..coln from <old t_name>;

Whenever a table is copied only NOTNULL constraint are copied to the new table except other constraint.
Copy only structure of table without data
Ex –
Create table hi
As select * from emp
Where 1=2;

DELETE identical record from a table:
Whenever ‘n’ number of column in a table is created in oracle database then ‘n+1’ column in a table is created, which is automatically and that column is known as ROWID. ROWID is a physical invisible column and their data are not equal by system.
Select rowid, ename, sal from emp;
Ex -
Delete from emp
Where rowed like ‘%c’;

ROWNUM is another column provide by oracle, which is virtual column responsible to display the number of records using serial number .
Ex –
Select rownum, ename, ename from emp;