Ø Data :
It is raw fact through which an object can‘t be identified.
Ex – employee no. name, salary of an employee are individually known as one one data
Ø Information
Organized collection of related data is known as information through which an object can be clearly identified. It is raw fact through which an object can be identified.
Ex – employee no. name, salary of an employee are individually known as one one data
Ø Data file
Organized collection of related information is known as a data file. Ex – sales dept, purchase dept, admin dept of a particular company individually maintains their data file.
Through data is a raw fact through which an object can‘t be identified but it minimum requirement of data base. Ø Why data base ?
Data is maintained to keep track on object day to day traction. The advantage of data base management is to know assets / liability, profile /loss of an organization. Database has no scope that means it can be implemented on small scale corporate house.
To maintain database three diff Medias are available a) Paper or cabinet file
b) Spread sheet c) DBMS: ” It is basically software responsible to store, retrieve and modify the data of a database on user request.”
Till date computer has seen 4 types of databases.
1. Network
2. Hierarchical 3. Relation
4. Object relation
The primary jobs of above database are same i.e. to store data, but there are divided into 4 diff categories depending on their storage architectures. These databases are also known as data models or data architectures.
Depending on the support to the databases DBMS is also categorized into 4 diff types namely
FoxPro oracle 6, 7 oracle 8
Dbase access oracle 8i
FoxBASE SQL server oracle 9i
Paradox db2, Informix oracle 10g
RDBMS is not software typically rather than it is a concept or theory developed by a scientist called DR JOHN E.F.CODD the prescribed 12 diff rules for relation architecture. Any database that support 6 or more then 6 rules will know as relational database and to manipulate them software has to be RDBMS type.
It any support less than 6 rules will known as general database and to manipulate it DBMS software is available.
“It is nothing but the organized collection of two dimensional tables or relations”.
EMP no 1 2 3 4
Name a b c d
Sal. 5000 6000 4550 7550
Above graphics shows the relational models of architecture. In relation model of architecture always data present in diff. diff. modules, each module is known as a table has a relation with another one.
The primary advantage of relational architecture is supports less data redundancy and more data security.