“It is a concept or a mech. Implemented on select statement to extract data from multiple tables.” To extract date from multiple tables the table must have a relation and depending on the relation join is categories in 4 diff types.
1. Equijoin
2. Non equijoin
3. Self or inner join
4. Outer join
It is a type of join which will extract date from multiple tables won is available.
Emp no | Name | Sal | Dept no | Xid |
1 | X | 2300 | 20 | X1 |
2 | Y | 2500 | 10 | X2 |
3 | Z | 3600 | 20 | X3 |
4 | Aa | 9300 | 30 | X4 |
5 | Bb | 6300 | 10 | X5 |
Above graphic shows both the tables have a common attributes called dept no. to extract data from above table’s user can equijoin.
Q. Write query to display emp no, name, sal,dept name ,loc of each employee.
Select emp no,name, sal, dname, loc , xname
Outer join:
To get the following output
Dept no | Dname | Loc |
10 | Sales | CTC |
20 | purchase | BBSR |
30 | Admin | RKL |
40 | Market | BPD |
Above graphic shows both the tables have a common attributes called dept no. to extract data from above table’s user can equijoin.
Select tab1 .col,tab1.col,tab2.col,tab2.col…………………..n
From tab1,tabl2
Where tab1.col=tab2.col;
Q. Write query to display emp no, name, sal,dept name ,loc of each employee.
Ans – select emp.name,emp.emp no, emp.sal,dept.dname,dept.loc
From emp, dept
Where emp.dept no = dept.dept no;
Table name prefix with the column name is optional but it becomes mandatory whenever a common attribute is phased.
Select emp no, ename, sal, dept no,loc
From emp, dept
Where emp.deptno=dept.dept no;
Whenever joins statement is executed each record of the transaction table will be checked max that many no. of times the no. of records available in the master table.
Xid | xname |
X1 | Xa |
X2 | Xb |
X3 | Xc |
X4 | Xd |
X5 | xe |
Select emp no,name, sal, dname, loc , xname
From emp, dept,x
Where emp.dept no= dept.dept no
And dept.xid=x.xid;
Outer join:
It is a type of join which will extract date from multiple tables’ whether a condition is satisfied or not. In other words it is responsible to extract all data from multiple tables.
Write query which will display empno,name,sal,dname,loc of these employee who are working in a specific dapt along with that it must display those dept. information in which no persons are working
Select empno,name,sal,dname,loc
From emp,dept
Were emp.deptno(+)=dept.deptno;
In outer join (+) is write to that side of the condition where the values is deficient. Significance of (+) is to add a null record in deficient site table.
Non Equijoin:
It is a type of join which will extract date from multiple tables whenever no common attribute is available but there must be a relationship.
Grade | Lowsal | Hisal |
A | 700 | 1200 |
B | 1201 | 3000 |
C | 3001 | 5000 |
D | 5001 | 8000 |
E | 8001 | 9999 |
Emp salgrade
Emp no | Name | Sal | Dept no |
1 | X | 2300 | 20 |
2 | Y | 2500 | 10 |
3 | Z | 3600 | 20 |
4 | Aa | 9300 | 30 |
5 | Bb | 6300 | 10 |
Above example shows no common attribute is available in between the tables but there is a relationship between sal column of emp table and lowsal,hisal of salgrade table.
Write query which will display emp no, name,sal,grade of each employee
Select empno,name,sal,grade
From emp,salgrade
Where sal between lowsal and hisal;
Working with table alias:
Table alias is a concept which is responsible to provide duplicate name to an existing table. It is only meant for joint statement and it is purely temporary in nature.
Select e.empno,e.name,e.sal,d.dname,d.loc
From emp / e, dept / d
Where e.deptno=d.deptno;
Above example shows e and d are two table aliases respectively given for emp and dept and e and d are temp in nature.
It is a type of join where a table is joined with itself to get output. In self join same table is treated as master as well as child. It is otherwise known as inner join.
The side e.x. shows emp table
Having relation with itself using
mgr and expno column. To extract the daa from
emp by joining with itself user must use table alias
Empno | Name | Mgr | deptno |
1 | X | 2 | 20 |
2 | Y | 3 | 10 |
3 | Z | 20 | |
4 | Aa | 3 | 30 |
5 | Bb | 4 | 10 |
To get the following output
X is working under y.
Y is working under z etc.
Select w.name ||’ is working under ‘||m.name
From emp / w, emp /m
Where w.mgr=m.empno;
Select w.name ||’ is working under ‘||m.name
From emp / w, emp /m
Where w.mgr=m.empno(+);
Above example is an example of left outer join which is responsible to display that employee who is not working under anybody (i.e. manager)